Cache ControlLast Update: 13th June, 2005
Article ID: 176


The cache control allows the store owner to save certain areas of the shopping cart to a cache folder typically called oscommerce_data. This allows for a performance increase when users are browsing the store as the database is not queried again until the cache has expired or has been reset by the store owner. The directory for holding cache pages is setup during the setup procedure and the folder is called oscommerce_data during the install but it can be renamed.


Figure 1 shows the Cache listing page under the Admin>Tools>Cache section.

Figure 1. Cachelisting page under the Admin>Tools>Cache section.

To edit the details or move a folder click on one of the editing tools under the "Action" column next to the "Title" being edited. To remove click the blue trashcan.

When the oscommerce_data (cache) folder is setup, an accessed product page will be held in this folder for quicker loading the next time it is accessed.

Note: It is recommended that the cache directory is NOT in the same place for all stores hosted on the same server for security reasons.

Blocks of cached pages from different store areas are shown in the admin under Tools/Cache Control. The cached pages can be deleted by clicking the delete button which will remove the cached page from the oscommerce_data (cache) directory. These pages will be replaced automatically when accessed again.



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