Add Text to the Model NumberLast Update: 24th July, 2005
Article ID: 254


A model number is usually listed as "DVD-DHWV" or something similar. It can be listed as "Item #DVD-DHWV" or a different prefix before each model number in the store.


The define for the text is added as "MODEL_PREFIX" and the product_info.php page is changed to carry that define.

First, add the MODEL_PREFIX define to the catalog/includes/languages/english.php file:
// model prefix
define('MODEL_PREFIX', 'Item #');

In the product_info.php about line 96 find this code:

$products_name = $Qproduct->value('products_name') . '<br><span class="smallText">[' . $Qproduct->value('products_model') . ']</span>';

Change To:

$products_name = $Qproduct->value('products_name') . '<br><span class="smallText">[' . MODEL_PREFIX . $Qproduct->value('products_model') . ']</span>';



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